This page is the least interesting so I'll try to be brief! I've been a full-time wedding/portrait photographer for 30 years using both Hasselblad medium format film and Nikon digital cameras. Every style of the art interests me and I have been as passionate about nature imagery as any other (the picture above is a selfie with Sundial Peak in the Wasatch Range of northern Utah). I've had numerous gallery exhibits of my wilderness landscapes over the years and been fortunate enough to have been published in four national magazines (Popular Photography, Men's Journal, Rangefinder and Nature Photographer), a gratifying reward for over 5,000 miles of challenging foot travel! (If nature photography floats your boat, give my other site - - a look see)
With regards to the portrait work, I am constantly seeking new creative tools which can augment the science with artistry. My mission has always been to produce images which surpass mundane department store snapshots - I feel investing an average of 15 to 20 hours on each client (researching venues, devising posing and lighting schemes, the shoot itself and a considerable time in post-processing) enables me to create a product with a more imaginative edge and relevance to the individual subject. Oil painting, watercolor, pastel, ink and mixed media effects - as well as black & white and sepia - can be imparted with sophisticated software to enhance any photograph. After that, I choose award-winning professional photo labs to complete the process. When generating something of such importance - a sentimental heirloom which must endure for decades - only top-shelf photographic equipment and gifted print makers will do.
Thanks for your interest and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me:
Paul Smith 28 Shirley Street
New Bedford, MA 02746
PHONE: 508-997-7193